U G FILTER SYSTEM # 2 {all male guppy tank}
I want to grow aquatic plant's in my tanks NOT FISH Why Not fish with the
plants you may be asking, well the reason I don't want fish in the tanks is I'll
have them in a NONPLANTED tank & what fish I will have in the tank will be
those that I won't never have to catch if I'm selling fish, they'll be for fertilizing
the tank & feeding the plants, so the fish I put in the tank will be all male guppies.
I will have 1-55 gal tank just for this purpose only as a SHOW TANK for my
videos I make about the plants I have for sale & this will be a good way for me
to get buyers, I will sell my extra guppies locally cause I don't trust the mail
service with live fish, where I mail plant's they will be fine depending on the
weather time of year, & when I do my videos I will let people know a lot more.
Like the filters I also will be making to sell for ponds & BIG tanks & I'll have
videos on them as well to maybe sell, I'll make them, test them & show them
RUNNING, This way I can show the filters I make won't leak & stand to it
& IF For ANY REASON it leaks all that's needed is to tighten the bulk heads.
The filters will have all the media IN the CONTAINER & ready to hook up &
add water & let it run for a few days to cycle out the junk in the tank or pond
the ponds I'm talking about is like a stock tank pond not a lake type pond.
These are the ponds I work with that I raise my fish in & they work
GREAT with the filter I make for them so I KNOW they work or I
wouldn't be using them on my tanks & I'm raising GUPPIES in them.
Now with all that said, back to the UG FILTER SYSTEM by using the
UG FILTER SYSTEM in the 55 gal aquarium it will do just what I need
it to do for me & that's grow great looking plant's to sell online & show
people that are sceptic about the U G filters what they are good for.
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