
Showing posts from March, 2022

List of aquatic plant's with videos

The info I put on this page will be everything I have watched &  have followed some key things they talk about in raising plants I tried a few years back & had " some luck " in what I had & lost a lot of plant's at the same time,  so I got out of the guppies & what plant's I had left for a few years, & started watching videos. For the past 2 years out of the fish hobby, I've been saving up some  of the videos I've been learning from, as I start a new journey in  raising aquatic plant's I would like to share with you, this 1. b-low Water Gardens 101   < These videos is very useful in growing plant's rather in a tank or pond, it all resolves to the goldfish - koi fish & the reason for that is cause they have the HIGHEST nitrogen level. MOST IMPORTANT Video EVER Made  This has to do with why  it's important to do your research on the  nitrogen cycle for plant's & fish at the same time, B-4 you start a tank...

Aquarium plants I have & more plant's I want

pogostemon stellatus octopus- Aponogeton crispus- Giant Jungle Val Rotala indica- water wisteria- Amazon swords- Hornwort- Crystalwort This is just SOME of the plants I have & the 1's I want to start growing Most will be stem plant's that grow from the substrate & I want them to grow as big as I can get them B-4 I put them online for people to buy, I'm not interested in selling a small portion of the plants I grow. I have the tanks & ponds that I can grow good size plant's to sell & that's my main focus in growing plant's is to sell to people who want the MOTHER PLANTS, I will have more than just 1 of each plant so I won't run out & have others growing to take place of the 1's that sell. I have a plan on how I want to make this happen if things change in the future with the economy, so this is in the process of being worked on with getting the things I need to get it started, so it won't take too long for the plant...