Aquarium plants I have & more plant's I want

pogostemon stellatus octopus-Aponogeton crispus-Giant Jungle Val Rotala indica-water wisteria- Amazon swords-Hornwort-Crystalwort This is just SOME of the plants I have & the 1's I want to start growing Most will be stem plant's that grow from the substrate & I want them to grow as big as I can get them B-4 I put them online for people to buy, I'm not interested in selling a small portion of the plants I grow.

I have the tanks & ponds that I can grow good size plant's to sell & that's my main focus in growing plant's is to sell to people who want the MOTHER PLANTS, I will have more than just 1 of each plant so I won't run out & have others growing to take place of the 1's that sell.

I have a plan on how I want to make this happen if things change in the future with the economy, so this is in the process of being worked on with getting the things I need to get it started, so it won't take too long for the plants to settle in & start growing to get as big as I can.

Why do I want to sell BIG plant's? you may be asking, cause I'm not wasting my time on penny Annie sells of just a few plant's when I have BIG plant's growing for those that have BIG tanks to put them.

I will have videos of the setup once I get this going good & people can see how the setup is & how big the plants that I have growing so they will know that there is someone growing BIG PLANT'S to buy & not have to deal with growing them out themselves & lose $

I will say they will be as cheap as I can make them to buy, but I won't be cheated out of my price I put on a plant that took months to grow, I'm just saying, I don't buy my plants to be cheated on.

If I don't have the plants you want there may be a good reason like 1 I can't get it, or I can't get it to grow for me, or it's not a good sellable plant, I enjoy playing with plant's, water & fish, it helps to keep my mind occupied with what I have always wanted in life.

I'm the sign of the bull which means I mean what I say, it ain't no bull ? sh$t about it, I'm straight up shoot from the hip not the lips. I do my buyers right, I've got a few good selling sites I can sell on.

I have a 3-55 gal aquariums, 2-110 gal stock tanks, 1-75 gal tank along with 1-30 gal long tank, 1-20 gal long tank so I have tanks to get this going, I just need to get in a better place to make it happen.

Here is a photo I drew out & if you tap the photos it will enlarge 4-u this is what I'm looking at doing if I get the place I'm looking at in a fewish months like it could be this year we could move but maybe not, it all depends on some things that could make it or break it we have to b-ware of & questions to be talked over & decisions to make.

These days you don't want to jump into something too early till you know what your getting into to sign your life away, I lost everything in the 07 housing market & I'm not going to live through ANOTHER 1 sorry, nope, can't do it, not at my age this is it for us we're at the end.



  1. Interesting concept. It's fun to start a new business venture. I used to start small home businesses and I used to do sales and marketing. I haven't done anything like that in 10+ years and don't care to get back into it. But it was fun while it lasted.

    1. Thank You for stopping by with a comment
      Yea it is, but it's also hard at the same time
      with what's going on in the world today. it
      makes you wonder if it's really worth it all.


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