It's been 2 yrs since my health crashed (May-2023)
life can be when you lest expect it, take it seriously...
When my health crashed on me I had no idea how close I could be from
death till after the Dr's & other people told me everything I had went
through, Today "3-1-2025" I've mostly recovered from it all with the
help of God giving me that 2nd chance in life that most people don't get.
I have been doing a lot of learning about my health with my sugar &
my food on what I can & can't have, I have a lot of concerns & fears
that I could have a relapse with my pancreas, kidney, Liver, & heart.
I don't want to go through what I did the first time, so I have to find
ways to make sure it DOESN'T happen again or anything goes bad
so when I went to my main Dr. yesterday I had to make up a little
lie about having some pain in my sides to get a CT scan done. 😀
I didn't know if she would fall for it or not but after taking a few
test (blood & urine) come to find out I have a few issues that got
her concerned to have a CT scan done, so I'm glad I got it done.
So Tomorrow I have to go to the hosp, to get a cholesterol test &
a CT scan & have my sugar test & hopefully by Friday I will
hear something back on what's going on & what's next for me.
I just pray that I don't end up back in the hosp again & have to
end up staying for any long length of time, or have any kind of
surgeries, that's going to be a major set back & going to suck. 😩
Pancreatitis: Everything You Need To Know <video
Once I find out what they find from all the test I'll know what they
plan to do next, either surgery or more meds, Either way I
hope & pray it's not serious, like I said earlier life is too short.
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