why can't we talk anymore?

It's really sad that after 31 yrs of marriage & all we've been through together there's
no communication like we use to have, now it's about stuff that we can't do anything 
about like the gov & the crap they are doing mostly, or the weather or something.

I guess by me living in the cabin as long as I have & him in the trailer he's gotten
use to it & our communication has diminished, what time we do talk about stuff
it don't last very long, like what I want to do with the guppies & the cabin talk.

I wish I had like a different address on here so I could try & get me some extra help
but as long as we have the SAME address there isn't any way for me to get the extra
help like food stamps or my s s income early where I could do things I NEED to do.

But that's alright cause I just have 12 more Mos to go to try & get my s s going &
MAYBE that will be some help to do what I have planed then again maybe not I
just have to wait it out till the time comes & see what happens & go from there.

I just HOPE that when & IF I get something from s s it will be enough to do what
needs to be done like get things stocked up & get some bills paid off to help us to
get another BETTER place & out of HERE that's the MAIN thing I want & need.

It may not be enough to do a LOT but maybe enough to get something done little
by little each mo is the main thing, I can save like maybe 2-3 checks & build it up
then make it work towards what I need to do with it, 12 more mos till I can apply.
I know $ isn't everything, but the way things are right now it's the ONLY thing that
can make things better for us to where we can work towards having a better LIFE
& have a better place to live & getting out of the debt we're in that's EVERYTHING.

I'm so tired of listening to the SAME song & dance thing of how broke we are every
mo it's a broken record that has gotten SO OLD, I can't WAIT till the day comes I can 
make that phone call or go to the s s office or do where EVER it is I have to do for it. 

I got my SS started & even though it's not a lot but it's better than I was thinking 
now I can get some things done & work on saving All I CAN for us to move on
we're in the process now but Hopefully by next year OR SOONER we'll be there.


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