120gal aquarium
120 Gallon Freshwater tank < This is a video about the tank this size
120gal aquarium = 48 X 24 X 24 for guppies or goldfish & all kinds of enjoyment
this is what I want to put either goldfish or guppies in for a display tank when doing
videos about my fish or talking about fish stuff or just to enjoy by myself.
There's a lot that comes with having a tank this size to enjoy, the up keep is # 1
# 2 is what breed of fish you have in it & # 3 is the filtration it has to have to keep
everything running good, the whole system is your responsibility to keep it up.
You can go with a verity of filters to meet your satisfaction on the up keep of it
you can dress it up all sorts of ways to make it stand out for the look you want
you can have all kinds of fish in it to enjoy at any given time as you see below.
Top 20 Aquarium Fish for 100 Gallon Tank <this is a 100 gal tank stock options
They say the larger the tank the more possibilities you can do with it well this
is the size I want to work with for what I want to do with it I know what it
takes to have a tank this size & what it has to have to keep it looking good.
If I go with goldfish they will eat the live plant's I want to put in it, so I'll
go with guppies, YES guppies, why go with guppies you ask? cause they
are more colorful, they multiply like no other fish does & fun to watch.
125 Gallon Aquarium Pros and Cons this goes for LARGE aquariums
They won't eat my plants like goldfish do & it will make a NICE display
tank in my videos I do about my fish that I enjoy so much & it will be the
tank that will get the most attention from day 1 cause of the over load.
120 gallon planted tank with guppies exclude the other fish in the tank.
The plants I will have in it will be bacopa, hornwort, red Ludwigia &
some giant jungle Val, the plants will be a filter system inside the tank
& a hiding place for the fish & fry that will be abundance every month.
What will I do with the extra fish that will accumulate madly in this tank?
well I can trade most of them out for store credit for new fish I want to
add, I have lake caught fish that will eat them for protein & extra food.
I'm not looking to be in the business end of raising fish but I am thinking
about growing plant's to people that are looking for aquarium plants that
they can't find, which is a lot more better than raising fish to raise & sell.
"Business" Behind Breeding for Profit< video to watch on this.
Growing plant's takes a little time to get started good in the tank once I
have a good verity of them going & I can ship them easier than I can
fish, & they take less space as well UNLESS you get a LG over growth.
top 3 tips for planted tank I'll have the easy low maintenance plant's so
that will be the best way to go for me & I can trade them off for what
ever I can get for store credit, as long I know what to get it'll work. 👍
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