Keeping our heads up & our bills on a limit
Since we got our property paid off we have been looking at projects to do
since we couldn't do it while paying off the place at 500$ every month &
the rest of the bills we had & now we're 500$ ahead every month we can.
We have started a list of the projects we have set up to be done for the
trailer 1st, & that covers remodeling what we can by starting with the
floor 1st, that's to rip out any & all carpet Then paint the walls next.
We started in the living room & got it just about done, we just need the
bottom base board trim & then we move into the kitchen with all the
cabinet area get that all painted & done then put a new flooring down.
Once that's all done & out of the way & completed we will go straight
into the hallway & get it all painted & refloored straight into the last
bedroom of the trailer & that will be finished for the other projects.
Which will be to put up a awning in front of the cabin for when it's
raining or snowing we can get the groceries out of the car & not get
wet & have a place to work under for BIGGER projects we have going.
The NEXT project is going to be a parking space for the van & utility
trailer so there not in the way of the driveway being we have a circle
driveway & not enough parking space so we will make 1 that will work.
The project after that will be the back deck that needs some work done
with the flooring cause it's starting to show some signs of rotting here &
there so that has to be taken care of & completed B-4 doing anything else.
How are we doing all these projects when prices are through the roof ?
1 month at a time, we get everything that we need for the project we're
on on a credit card & don't buy nothing else till the card is paid off.
When we use the card we set a limit we can get paid off in a few months
so it doesn't hurt us in paying the other bills we have to pay every mon
like the power bill for 2 dwellings & ins on prop, vehicles, life & health.
We have the water & trash bill on a 6 mons billing cycle we set up &
the internet - phone we pay every other month so all in all the bills are
set up where we can handle them without hurting the projects we have.
Once ALL THESE projects are finished & out of the way THEN I can
start on my MAIN project that we started & NEVER finished up with
& that is the CABIN where I live, & that's going to be a BIG project.
Starting with the ceiling getting it covered & sealed up (24X24) &
that's going to take a few days of work not to mention & good chuck
of $ B-4 we can move on to the other projects the cabin needs done.
After the ceiling is out of the way we will start in the kitchen area
on the wall & get it painted or paneled either will work for me, it
being the only wall that didn't get done when we were working on it.
Then start on the flooring to get it taken care of & out of the way
next will be on the cabinets taking down the old & putting up the
new & getting a pantry in the place & a place for dishes & stuff.
Then MY PLACE will be done & out of the way for me to live in
& have everything done & looking good to enjoy with what life we
have left to enjoy, being we are in our mid 60's & late 70's in life.
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