All my data on my sugar levels
"You only take the fast acting insulin if you eat. You can use the sliding scale if your sugar is high and not eating." Dr Shoemaker
{Those sugars look good. I would continue what your doing}
April 1-24 M>109>N>115>E135
April 2-24 M>75>N>135>E>122
April 3-24 M>110>N>85>E>100
April 4-24 M>125>N>N>95>E>115
April 5-24 M>175>N>135>E>115
April 6-24 M>160>N>115>E>105
April 7-24 M>150>N>115>E>158
April 8-24 M>124>E>100>E>135
April 9-24 M>114>N>124>E>157
April 10-24 M>130>N>129>E>169
April 11-24 M>115N>118>E>138
April 12-24 M>147>N>122>E>115
April 13-24 M>105>N>82>E>117
April 14-24 M>94>N>72>E>158
April 15-24 M>159>N>132>E>115
April 16-24 M>125>N>145>E>122
April 17-24 M>157>N>128>E>117
April 18-24 M>122>E>127>E>103
April 19-24 M>156>N>77>E>104
April 20-24 M>133>N>102>E>85
April 21-24 M>137>N>89>E>165
April 22-24 M>152>N>148>E>125
April 23-24 M>143>N>101>E100
This is how my sugar levels have been this whole year
I now have a Lebra-3 free style type sugar monitor I
got from my Dr, I love it, No more poking my fingers.
The only bad part is the sensors are hard to find
I'm trying to get as many as I can & stash them
where when they are hard to find, I have some
where I won't run out, But the sensors only last
2 wks at a time, (2 a month) so it may take a bit
to get enough of them stashed away to build up.
You can't find them online I've done looked, so
You just have to get them from your pharmacy
or your Dr, Or ask your ins if they can find any.
Since I have been watching my sugar levels
I've learned that it doesn't matter what I do
rather I'm awake or asleep it will fall & rise
rather I eat or not, so from what I've learned.
When I don't eat & active doing stuff it stays
on the low level, when I eat & not active it
flip flops up & down, Depending on what I
eat makes a big difference that effects it.
Stuff that effects it are things with sugar in it
Like dry cereal, Jell-O, cakes, pies, cookies,
any sweet candies, certain stuff like bread
cooking sprays & oils, butter, syrups, ext.
The basic thing to keep in mind is THIS
it all effects your sugar if you eat or drink
too much of it at 1 time, so you have to
limit what you eat & drink everyday.
You have to keep active as much as you
can, rather it's walking up & down the
driveway or around the house working
or just walking outside a few blocks.
When I get up in the morn I check where
my sugar is at & if it's over the 130 mark
I take a dose of my long & fast acting
insulins & wait for about 30 mins &
then go heat my hot chocolate up in
the microwave for 3 mins & I'm good
to go for the rest of the day (IF) I don't
eat anything till that evening, it stays
right where I like it to be,100 to 130.
But on the OTHER hand if I don't take
any of the insulins Have my hot chocolate
then it will go stupid on me, so yeah 😩.
So, Being I've been trying to get the cabin
redone, so I can move back in, I'm going to
make a list of the foods I can eat & have a
drink cabinet made for the drinks I like
Right where I can have them handy.
So, I already have the food list board I
will be using, & I have a dry erase board
that I will be using for when I take my
insulin so I don't over do them, (not-good)
When I get my kitchen set back up again
I'll have it where everything will have it's
own place like the microwave the crock
pot, & roaster oven on 1 side of the kitchen
& the counter top stove on the other side.
All my drinks will be in 1 place & FULLY
STOCKED at all times, as well as all my
food I can eat so I don't run out any time.
Now that I have no dogs in my cabin any
more, I will also have for when I can't go
outside to be active, a place to be active
in the cabin, where I can put on a video
& do some stuff from them to be active.
(Silver Sneakers) This is where I can
go online & get ALL the exercises I
need in 1 place for the whole day.
30 min walk
30 Minute Walk At Home Workout <Video
Cardio workout
15-Minute Cardio Mix For Seniors <Video
So there's my plans & goals for next year
when I get moved back in the cabin again
& get everything set up like I want & need
it to be where I can regain my health where
it needs to be, it's been a long time coming.
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